Janet Marks is the Director of Executive Coaching for Harvard Business School Executive Education where she leads the strategy, design, and delivery of executive coaching to over 3,000 participants, annually, for over 35 open enrollment, focused, and custom programs. Janet develops the coaching curriculum and materials, recruits talented and experienced executive coaches, and trains, supports and evaluates coaches for 400 coaching appointments per year, with the goal to provide both structured and customized exceptional individual leadership coaching and team facilitation. Janet has been an Executive Coach for over 25 years, coaching both within Executive Education programs and privately to senior leaders from a broad range of geographic regions, industries, and functional areas.
Janet Marks’ coaching draws on her career which has spanned over 40 years in graduate management education as a senior leader, faculty member, coach, consultant, and chair and member of multiple boards, committees, and teams, consistently creating innovative programs and services. She served on the full-time faculties of NYU Stern and Fordham University and has held visiting faculty appointments, teaching organizational behavior, leadership, and cross-cultural management in executive, MBA and undergraduate programs.
At NYU Stern, she was also Associate Dean for MBA Education and International Programs where she led strategic planning and new program initiatives, and was influential in multiple complex change initiatives. At Fordham University’s Schools of Business she also served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Administration where she managed faculty appointments, faculty development, human resources, and the annual budget.
Janet has served on multiple boards, among them, the Security Traders Association Foundation, the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, the MBA Enterprise Corps, and chaired the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). She has led and served on numerous board and executive committees, including Strategic Planning, Executive Compensation, and Board Nominations.
Prior to joining HBS she was Co-Senior Director of the MIT Sloan Career Development Office where she created and launched a career development program for high potential mid career executives; and built and led a team that provided coaching to Sloan Fellows, Executive MBAs, and Alumni. She designed and delivered workshops, alumni panels, and industry networking events; and coached mid-career and senior executives in both one on one and peer group sessions. Based on her coaching work with several thousand executives, she created a career strategy model used at MIT Sloan to help executives effectively achieve their career objectives.
Janet has presented at industry conferences focused on graduate management education and coaching executives. Her research includes comparative analyses of MBA programs, the use of managerial skills assessments by graduate business programs, and women and the MBA. Her consulting has assisted organizations in manufacturing, service and education sectors with organizational strategy, effective teaming, and leadership development.
Janet holds certifications in coaching including Immunity to Change, Emotional and Social Intelligence, Hogan, Kantor (Baseline, Childhood Stories, High Stakes, and Models), Zenger Folkman 360, Fearless Organization Scan, Myers-Briggs Type Instrument, and Developing and Coaching Leaders (from Case Western University). She is an Academic Partner in the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (BPSI) and a member of several Balint Groups and a consultant/participant in several CSGSS Group Relationships Conferences. And she is a member of many academic associations whose research informs her coaching work.
Janet earned a PhD in Anthropology from New York University where her research focused on the socialization and development of traders on the New York Futures Exchange.