Workshops & Certification Trainings

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Workshops and Certifications

Fearless Organization Scan (FOS) Certification
Use FOS with teams and organizations.

Fearless Leadership Workshop Suite (Leader’s Tool Kit and more)
For leaders who want to gain the skills and confidence to develop and manage psychologically safe, award winning teams.

Executive Leadership Mindfulness Workshop
Leading is hard! Join other leaders in getting off the path of burnout and head to wellbeing and renewal.

Leading Teams Workshop
Clarify your team’s purpose-structure fit to avoid pitfalls and maximize success.

Advanced Dialogue Practices Workshop
Learn how to communicate successfully in any conversation to ensure you get heard and help others feel psychologically safe, motivated and engaged.

Authentic Presence Inventory (API©) Certification
Learn how to measure and enhance your own and other’s executive presence.

Mastering Team Dynamics: Structural Dynamics Level 1
Uncover hidden team dynamics, improve the conversation, and accelerate team performance.

Structural Dynamics Level 2 Certification: Leading in High Stakes
Masterfully navigate high-stakes situations using structural dynamics and neuroscience.

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